Top 7 Apps Of The Month – March 2020

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to best android app march 2020 let’s start the month off right with 7 new Android apps that you will find to be useful. 

Quick disclaimer and none of the apps that I’m about to write are sponsored, or in other words, have paid me to include them in this article, I genuinely think that all these apps are fantastic, no matter how many downloads each one has.

Whale Paper

  Let’s start it off with the wallpaper app for 2020 it’s called whale papers. This app isn’t popular at all it has less than 1000 downloads, but I’m glad I found it because it has some very beautiful vector illustrations that can make any home screen pop. It is a relatively new app since it only has around 250 wallpapers, but the developer adds new ones every day so you’ll still have a splurge of options to choose from And he creates each one individually so you won’t able to find these backgrounds anywhere else. There is a pro version that costs $1 and it removes ads and enables the download button.

Download Link: Whale Paper

Firefox Send

When you have to share multiple log files to your friends, especially the Android. I mean we’ve all been there. Now with Firefox and you can quickly share log files by uploading them to this app, then it will provide you with a temporary link to share with your friend, so he or she can download those files quickly. Don’t worry files are uploaded with end to end encryption. Only you and the receiver will know what you’re sharing, and you can share file sizes up to one gigabyte in size. If you sign up for a Firefox account, then they’ll allow you to share files that are up to 2.5 gigabytes in size.

Download Link: Firefox Send


If you’re constantly getting interrupted by unimportant notifications, you still want to keep them around just in case the app gives you an important one in the future. You can use daywise to solve this issue. The app only allows you to see important notifications instantly, and you can view the rest later when you’re not busy. It’s the notifications can include messages calendar events, Uber ride alerts, phone calls, emails, or anything else you would deem to be important. All the other notifications will notify you four times a day in batches. That way you can avoid checking your phone, hundreds of times a day.

Download Link: Daywise

Split Cloud

Split cloud double music allows you to listen to two songs different songs at a time. So you can share your earbuds with your friends. For example, if your friend wants to listen to drake and you want to listen eminem, then you can put a drake song on the bottom music player that song play on the right earbud, then put eminem song on the top music player that will play on the left earbud. Now each person can split the headphone to listen to different songs plus it allows you to select songs from SoundCloud so you will rarely find the song you looking for within this app.

Download Link: Split Cloud


This app for those who install a ton of apps every week, you know how painful is to uninstall the one that you barely use. The skit app is a solution for those. Because it allows you to uninstall apps in batches. On top of that, you can extract .apk file from any application of your phone even system ones and each app I tap it provides more technical information. It’s a simple app give it a try.           

Download Link: Skit

Split Screen Launcher

Split Screen Launcher makes it easier to open some of your most-used apps in split-screen mode. All it does is create app shortcuts on your home screen to directly launch two apps into split-screen. Just open the app select shortcut name then select top and bottom app save it and in the menu that pops-up choose to add automatically so the shortcut gets added to your home screen that’s it. Now every time you tap on the shortcut those two apps open in split-screen mode automatically. Just keep in mind not every app supports split-screen mode.

Download Link: Split Screen Launcher 

Moviz Edge

Moviz Edge is unique that displays visual effects around the edge of the screen while you play the music of your phone. It’s a straightforward idea and it looks cool. You can customize where the line starts to disperse, you can also change the color of the line, the thickness of the lines, length, etc.     

Download Link: Moviz Edge